Friday Focus: Where are we Going?
This week I hoped to write about good things, but events demand more.
We judge a government by its willingness and ability to deal with events, situations and opportunities that come along or that it was elected to act on for the benefit of its electors. Sometimes we need to look through the lens of history to see those benefits.
I see little hope for a positive verdict on our present government. It’s hard to choose the worst offence against the people of Alberta. The plagues of addiction, poverty and homelessness, the lack of funding for medical care – except for the illogical reorganization of AHS – are not addressed effectively. Addiction spending is going to decline this year despite record deaths from drugs.
To me, the worst offence is the underfunding of public education. I believe early learning has a greater effect of lifetime success than any other single part of our life. The budget assigns almost a billion dollars to hiring staff but ignores the need for more public schools. Twice as much is budgeted to the Heritage Fund. Why invest money by depriving our children of a good public education?
Albertans need the balance of our Party – a hand-up for those who need it, opportunity balanced with regulation for free enterprise. We believe everyone should have as equal as possible an opportunity to participate in society and enjoy equal rights and freedoms and share responsibilities.
We are rebuilding the Party, reorganizing, finding candidates and volunteers, and training for the fight ahead. We’re making like ducks – looking quiet, but out of sight, paddling furiously.
Keep the Faith! We’re not dead yet!