Virtual Pints and Real Politics – Remembering Sheldon Chumir
January 26th 2022, marks the 30th Anniversary of the passing of Sheldon Chumir, Liberal MLA for Calgary Buffalo, Rhodes Scholar, lawyer and passionate advocate for human rights and public education.
Join us for a special edition of Virtual Pints and Real Politics on Wednesday, January 26th, at 7 PM.
Retired Senator Grant Mitchell will join us to share some memories of Sheldon from their time together in the Alberta Legislature and speak about Sheldon’s advocacy for human rights, ethical leadership and commitment to public education.
Sheldon Chumir was first elected to the Alberta Legislature in 1986, along with three other Liberals, Nick Taylor, Bettie Hewes, and Grant Mitchell.
The Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre is named after the Calgary-born lawyer and Member of the Legislative Assembly who lived just 8 blocks away from this facility. The centre's name is a tribute to his dedicated service, character and philanthropy on behalf of the less fortunate. (credit
January 26, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Gwyneth Midgley ·