Alberta Liberal Interim Leader John Roggeveen Reacts to Enhanced Public Health Measures
Originally Published May,5th 2021
Alberta Liberal Interim Leader John Roggeveen issues the following statement in reaction to the enhanced public health measures.
“Jason Kenney’s announced enhanced measures are a step in the right direction, but tragically too late. I agree with many of the new measures introduced. These are good decisions. They would have been even better decisions a month ago when health experts and the Alberta Liberal Party called for them as part of a circuit breaker lockdown. Choosing to do the right thing a month late isn’t leadership, it’s damage control.
“Tardiness isn’t the only issue with Kenney’s new measures. Waiting until May 9th to implement certain measures only incentivizes a rush to patios and salons in the coming days. COVID-19 isn’t taking it slow and neither can we. While it would be ideal to give businesses a grace period before measures take effect, delaying necessary measures as long as this UCP government has means that's no longer an option. Both the lack of details and lack of emphasis on enforcement from Premier Kenney is a serious red flag. For these measures to work we need people following them.
“Kenney’s new restrictions would be easier to follow if they were accompanied by new financial support for business and individuals. Medicine really is easier to swallow with a spoon full of sugar. More importantly, such programs would help Albertans weather the negative consequences of restrictions.
“We encourage all Albertans to do their part and follow public health measures, get vaccinated when it’s their turn, and hopefully we can get this virus under control.”